
A yucca base solution for prevention and control of ammonia in aquaculture ponds. AmmoNil is a blend of extract of Yucca Schidigera, Herbal extracts with special selective strains of beneficial bacteria and digestive enzymes.


  • Adsorbs toxic gases like Ammonia, H2S, SO2 etc.
  • Eliminates Ammonia from the pond bottom as well as in the pond water.
  • Reduces the pathogenic microbial load by competing for same food source by the probiotic present.
  • Improves feed intake and so helps for fast growth and better body weight.
  • Reduces the sludge volume in the pond bottom by effective bio-degradation.


500gms per 1 hectare pond with 1 meter water depth. Regular Usage 1 kg / once in 15 Days dose (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.


Mix recommended quantity of Ammonil in 50-100 kg of sand and broadcast all over the pond uniformly.


Ammonil is a blend of extract of YUCCA Schidigera, Herbal Extracts with special selective strains of beneficial bacteria and digestive enzymes.

SHELF LIFE : 2 yrs.

PRESENTATION : 500gms, 1 Kg.